15 September 2006

The Christian Life - a lifelong venture

This week I came across a superbly honest description of what it is to be a Christian. Don't we all sometimes (often?) feel like this?

“The story of the human response to divine grace is the story of a lifelong venture. It has its moments of high drama, when the issues are clear and the demands costly. Fortunately, for most of us, those moments come not too often. At other times, the issues are filled with ambiguity, and decisive action is hard to come by. There are also lengthy periods when faithfulness seems more mundane. It consists of simply keeping at the task, struggling not to be overcome by our own weaknesses, sharing food with the hungry and seeking in small, usually unobserved ways to make the world a more humane place in which to live.”

(Walter Brueggemann, Charles B Cousar, Beverly R Gaventa, James D Newsome Texts for Preaching – Year B Westminster/John Knox Press 1993 p504)



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