24 November 2009

I know it's not Advent yet, but ...

... I've just seen the ideal Christmas present! Go on, admit it: you want one!

I think Abp Rowan is the better likeness!

These are Christmas Tree decorations, available from York Minster Shop. Just as a note to friends who may be thinking what to buy me - these are not first on my Christmas list! But I'm sure you could think of somebody who would like one!

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At 5:05 pm, Blogger Archbeship Anthony said...

Hi Chris,

I like these. If I ever get to York, I will buy the pair. It is a shame that Gollywogs ended up being so contraversial. What should have happen, in my opinion, is that they should have might ones that looked more like White Skinned People as well as the ones that were on Sale. The two dolls of the Archbishops Rowan of Canterbury and John of York Prove it very well, Many Thanks.


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